Custom Size Hinged Origami Box – Playing Cards Box

Custom Size Hinged Origami Box
Origami Playing Card Box Tutorial Paper Kawaii 02

This is a tutorial on how to make a custom size hinged origami box, perfect to keep a deck of cards, business cards, etc. You can also use this as a gift box for a specific sized present. You’ll need 1 sheet of paper for this box, no glue is required.

Making this hinged origami box does require you to measure your item and do a tiny bit of multiplication, it’s easy. Pause the video and you will be able to follow along.
If you have trouble with the hinge of the box, it’s shown at the end of the video again. A tip: if you’re making multiple boxes of the same size and want to save some time and effort. You can make one and then unfold it, and then use it as a template for where the folds need to be.

If you don’t have a particular size you want to make the box, click here to view the non measuring version. That one uses a slightly simpler and updated method, start with that one if you have problems. I’ve also made a diagram (link below) which also includes instructions for customising the ratio and size of the box at the end.

Custom Size Hinged Origami Box

Origami Hinged Case Diagram Paper Kawaii

Hinged Origami Box Diagram

This origami diagram is in high quality PDF format.

Design: © Paper Kawaii Copyright Information
Level: ★★★☆☆

You will need:

▸ 1 sheet of rectangular paper
▸ ruler, pencil
▸ a paper cutting tool
Paper size example: A4 or letter paper
If your paper is thick like mine, you may want to trim a little at the end (shown in video). But for example the music sheet paper did not require it.

This box is great to make with thin card, use a scoring tool and ruler. And make sure to add 5mm onto the measurement at 5:59.
After measuring your item and doing the (tiny) math, you will know if your paper is too small. If that’s the case, you can use A3 paper or some other larger paper.

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Origami Playing Card Boxes Paper Kawaii 02

A sheet of music paper was sacrificed to make this playing card box. Because it’s a snug fit, the box is not flimsy. I’ve been using these boxes for years now, still looking great.

Origami Hinged Card Box Tutorial Paper Kawaii 02
Origami Deck Cards Box Paper Kawaii 02

We all have that deck of cards in a mangled box, right? This one is now retired.

Origami Custom Card Box Tutorial Paper Kawaii 02

The blue and white stripes box underneath is made of thick paper with a nice shiny surface If using thick paper or card, it’s best to score the paper first instead of trying to fold it.

Origami Custom Card Box Tutorial Paper Kawaii 01

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Custom Size Hinged Origami Box – Playing Cards Box

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