Origami Honeycomb Box Tutorial – Round Divider

Origami Honeycomb Box Tutorial Paper Kawaii 01
Origami Honeycomb Box Tutorial Paper Kawaii 08

Learn how to make an origami honeycomb box. This 7 to 9 section, round origami organiser box is great to display items such as jewellery, stationery or makeup.

For this video tutorial, I decided to try using no music, just the sound of the paper being folded and some birds chirping now and then.

Some have suggested using it as a spice box. Also thanks to those of you on Instagram, facebook and discord who gave me name suggestions. Honeycomb was suggested by multiple people.

This box is a combination of the last three tutorials; the Origami Hexagonal Box, Origami Octagonal Box and the Origami Tray Dividers.

The inner boxes are made so that the color and design is on the inside rather than outside. If any of making the inner boxes was unclear in this video, check out the original ones first, might help.

Note: if you want to make the round container for the plants, you don’t need to make the inner boxes… or the plant pots really. They just fit in the outer container. So you’d only need 2 sheets of rectangular paper.

This model is featured in one of my origami ebooks:

Learnigami Interlocking Origami Boxes Ebook Paper Kawaii

LEARNIGAMI – Interlocking Origami Boxes E-book

Features over 20 origami diagrams. These origami boxes interlock, slot or fit together to become a larger piece. Each origami project is clearly diagrammed with annotations throughout.

Origami Honeycomb Box

Design: © Paper Kawaii Copyright Information
Level: ★★★★☆

You will need:

Outer box: 2 sheets of rectangular paper. I used A4 (21 x 29.6 cm) but you can use any size such as US Letter paper (printer paper). Best to use thickish paper.
Inner Hexagonal boxes: 1 sheet of square paper. If you used A4 the size is 15 x 15cm. (if using other sizes, divide the long edge of the rectangular paper by 2)
Inner Octagonal box: 1 sheet of rectangular paper the same size as the outer box.

Amazon Origami Recommendations Paper Kawaii

You can check out my personal favourite origami papers, paper craft tools and more on my Amazon.com store.

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Origami Honeycomb Box Tutorial – Round Divider

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