Origami Pencil Pot Tutorial – Marc Vigo

Origami Pencil Pot Tutorial

Learn how to make a useful origami pencil pot. This double origami box is designed by Marc Vigo & is made from 1 sheet of rectangular paper.

This is such an interesting origami box. You can customise the heights of the boxes, meaning you can make one side a lot taller than the other, or make them the same size. The closing of this origami pencil pot can be a bit fiddly, a couple of other videos closed a different way. You could just glue it there if yours is not behaving.

I hope you guys enjoy making this useful origami box, it has lots of different uses. Make the pots the same height and use it to divide pens, pencils, makeup brushes. To make the box sturdier and less likely to fall over you can weigh it down with something heavy or stick it to a cardboard base.

The bows: attached to the box in the photo and the one at the start of the video.

Design: Marc Vigo Copyright Information
Level: ★★★☆☆

You will need:

▸ 1 sheet of rectangular paper.

Used: A4 thick paper – 21 x 29 cm. Best to use thicker paper or thin card.

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